Happy Spring Equinox, Ostara, Easter, and every other vernal celebration! This is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and the world around you seems to just wake up. There's still snow on the ground for us, but the energy around has definitely been brighter. Now that this cold energy is almost over, I'm excited to be celebrating the growth and rebirth of the earth again. That means that the winter decoration go down and our colorful flowers and eggs go up. In order to get myself in the springing season, I've been painting eggs, drying flowers, and setting new intentions. This last week also celebrates the start of the Aries season or the start of the new astrological year. With both of these energies working towards gardening your intentions, it's the most powerful and best time to start welcoming new goals into your life. Start planing the seeds for the fruit you wish to sow in the fall.
Spring Cleaning

With allergies coming up on their peak and the pandemic being far from over, it's super important to keep work and living areas clean and organized. A tidy workspace can make you more efficient and less stressed when trying to switch tasks. While people are spending more time at home, dirt and dust can build up faster. Try opening the windows to let the sunshine in and kick the dust out! You can even put on an oil diffuser with one of my favorite springtime blends. It will freshen up any room and brings the floral sweetness of the season into a perfect blend of aromas. Your sinuses will thank you. Right now is the perfect time to get rid of some of the things that you no longer use throughout the year. Go through old clothes and see what you can upcycle into a new look. Maybe a certain fabric would look great on the inside seam of your jacket or maybe those jeans really could use some more holes. Whatever doesn't make the cut, set it aside and host a clothes swap! It's so much fun to see what your friends will rock now that it's out of the back of your closet.
Decorate Eggshells

Eggs are an important symbol during the spring equinox. They represent fertility and birth, not to mention they're tasty and make for great decoration. A tradition in my Hispanic family is playing with cascarones (Kas-ka-rone-es). These are hollowed-out eggshells that are painted and filled with confetti for children to break over each other's heads. Please do not throw them at someone, it does hurt quite a bit. Anyway, I made these over the last week by saving my eggshells in the morning. The trick is to crack the bottom just enough to get a good-sized hole. Then, poke a needle through the top part of the egg so you are able to blow the yolk out from the bottom.

Boom, now you have your eggshell still intact and some eggs to make your breakfast with. Wait until these bad boys dry and then you can glue tissue paper onto the top of each egg to cover up that top hole. You can paint them, dye them, or you don't have to, I'm not your dad.
After your shells are done drying, you can use a paper funnel to stuff each of them with confetti! I used rice because birds love it and it's biodegradable. Look it up, the birds are fine. #Ecobitch
Start Your Garden

Metaphorically and literally! Start getting ready for the summer season by putting together a little herb garden. There's nothing like being able to have fresh basil to throw in your pasta sauce or cilantro to put on literally anything. Now we just need some limes! Another super easy windowsill veggie is tomatoes. You can get those little grow your own veggie kids from Dollar Tree (not sponsored but might as well be) and they're super fun to make a night out of. I'm excited to see what my planties look like in a week. Also, get yourself some flowers because they're pretty and you deserve them.
Set Your Intentions

As far as starting your garden metaphorically, this is where some inner work comes in. With the full moon in Libra last night, there is still a good amount of energy that is there to support whatever decisions you make within the next year. Whatever you decide, it will make you a bigger and better person, the universe is telling you to take action. Start by setting high but realistic goals for yourself. Where do you want to be in 3 months? 3 years? What do you want to be doing and who do you want to surround yourself with during these times? Take some time to meditate and come to peace with your mind. Listen to your instinct and it will take you farther than you originally thought you could. It's all about higher learning mamacita, let's manifest the shit we want.
Have Some In-Season Veggies
When it's sunny out in dry-ass Colorado, sometimes it can be hard to stay hydrated and full and healthy. Eating lighter meals in the warmer months will keep you energized and feeling brighter. Wake yourself up with a morning omelet with spinach, mushrooms, peppers, lots of cilantro, and cheese mmmm. Not only will this provide you with a new kickstart to your morning, but you'll also feel more efficient and have more energy in the morning. The best thing we can do for ourselves is taking care of our minds and body. That means how we treat it and what we put into it. Time to step up and make yourself you want to be.
I'm especially excited about the warm weather because that means it's just about camping season! After a long, dead winter, I'm ready to reconnect with the earth and get back to my roots. It can be hard to remember who you are in a fast-moving society such as the present. Going up into the mountains and sleeping under the stars can really remind you about what really matters in life, and that's who you are and who you surround yourself with. I am a constant creation, a continual work in progress. Do things that make you feel good. Happy Spring! 🌼🌸❀🌷
